Thursday, August 29, 2019

Life Lessons

During our morning walk today, I started thinking 'bout some life lessons I've learned along my journey through life.... then I thought, hummmm ,  maybe if I shared with you and you shared with me, we might all end up learning something new so let's give it a try!

: Squirrels are fun to chase, they can run fast and so can I, but not when I'm on a short leash.  Squirrels can run up trees, and I can't.  But I tried.

:  Dishwashers are like a treasure trove but you've got to catch it before someone closes its door.

: Lemons might  look like tennis balls but they sure don't taste or play the same.  Yuk!

: Sometimes the smartest thing to do is pretend you can't hear.

:  More people smile and say hi when its sunny outside.

:  Flowers smell so nice but don't bother the bees that are busy smelling them too.

:  Someone needs to make room freshner that smells like freshly cut hay.

:  Dog food and treats are really yummy but cat food... now that's a REAL treat!

: When I'm bored, I ring the bells on the back door, not because I need to go out but just to get Mom to put down her book and pay attention to me.

:  Car seats for pups are great for lifting you high enough to see out the window but also for when the car stops waaaay too fast.

:  Dogs don't give a rip about politics  Dogs are very smart.

: Sprinklers at the school track field are fun to play and run through but don't try that at the golf course.

:  Cats don't play fair... ever!

: I love my moms friends but some days I miss my dog buddies from day care so its nice when we meet new friends on our walks.  I'm not sure,  but I'm thinking one can never have too many friends.

:  Thunder and lightening aren't scary if you sleep right through it.

Tomorrow there will be more to learn so sweet dreams to everyone!

Loves & Licks,