Monday, May 27, 2019

Memorial Day Missive

Happy Memorial Day... although wishing that seems kinda strange to me since the day is about remembering those who died protecting us.  I think that's more about being sad and respectful but then there's a lot of things hoomuns do that I personally just don't get.

Like this...  I'm really hoping that someone can clue me in to the meaning of all these abandoned clothes.  In the last two days we have come across a pair of shoes neatly placed along the dikes path, a pair of socks at the schools track and a pair of pants outside the gates.  Did the rapture come and I got left?  If that's the case, heads up buttercup ... you got left too.

I've never seen my mom just take off her clothes and leave them laying about, at least not in public.  Now I'm not saying she never has, I've just never been witness to it.

Is there some kind of hidden message in these  pieces of clothing that I just haven't yet figured out?  Is the universe trying to tell me something?  Please feel free to clue me in.

In the meantime, please enjoy this sacred day in whatever manner you wish but somewhere int he back of your mind, remember about what today really signifies and remember too that not all who lost their lives were hoomans… some heroes walked on four legs.

Loves & Licks,

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