Thursday, September 20, 2018

Mona and Me

My friend Mona took me on a new adventure yesterday.  Turns out that there is a beach just a couple of miles from my house... that my mom has never ever taken me to before.  It's called Willow Grove and my friend Mona knows all about it! 
This is my friend Mona Stein!
Mona's mom and my mom are friends so when we were invited to share a walk with them, we jumped (me literally) at the chance.  What a great discovery.  It only took us a few minutes to get there and it was a treasure trove of new smells, one of my favorite things to do. 

Hello Mr/Mrs Sun
It was still a wee bit dark when we arrived at the waters edge but the sun was trying it best to wake up.  Pretty soon we watched it stretch and shine into the morning sky.  Pure bliss I tell you.  Good friends, water lapping the shore and a ton of new things that needed checking out.  We saw flowers along the shoreline, perhaps a bouquet sent sea bound in memory of a loved one.  We saw at least a kazillion little shells all over the sand, and a fish that had washed ashore and was no longer among the living.

Flowers on the sand

A big bird was perched on a piling and he kept a close eye on everything we did and especially on that fish.  We even saw a gigantic ship, up close!  Oh sure, I'd seen ships before but they were always far, far away.  This ship was close enough I could have swam to it, if only Mom would have let me.  I really don't like that little word that starts with an "n" and ends with an "o".

Were we being spied on?

I'd sure like a ride on this big boy

After looking to our right and looking to our left, we happily determined that no one else was around and so we decided to be wild women and break the rules.  Off came the leashes and Mona and I were free!!!  It felt so good to run and explore.  We chased each other and even got our toes wet in the water.  Man, it was cold.  We dug a little, we peed a little and we sniffed a lot.  That's a great way to start the day.

Girls just wanna have fun 
It was a wonderful  morning and I can hardly wait to go again.  Thanks Mona, for sharing this special spot with us and enjoying it with you was the bestest ever. 

Love & Licks,


Unknown said...

What a fun new memory for you Stella! I think your life rocks!

The Chronicles of Stella said...

I love my life and I love your comment!