Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Cruel and unusual punishment

What could I have possibly have done to deserve this?  It's true that I'd been warned once or twice, or maybe fifty or sixty times but really, was it so big of a deal that it demanded this kind of response?  So, I guess I sorta, kinda inhale my food.  I'm still not really clear on what the problem is with that.  I do tend to cough and hack and sound like I might be choking to death but hey, I haven't died yet.  I know, it not the healthiest way to eat and it might be harder on my tummy from swallowing some air along with my food.  I've thought about slowing down and taking more time savoring the texture and taste.  I usually think this just right after snarfing down my latest meal, but once I see my breakfast and dinner being served, my mind is focused intently on getting it from the plate to my tummy just as fast as I possibly can.  I inhale, hack a bit, feel remorse for not having slowed down and swear to myself that I'll do better next time.  Unfortunately "next time" just doesn't seem to ever happen... sigh...

Enter the "food dish from hell".  Did you even know such a creation of terror existed?  Well,  I sure didn't!  Yes, it is pretty,  a lovely shade of purple, with a nice little design in the middle,  but it's that nice little design that must have been thought up by the devil himself.  It turns out that the food finds its way into all those little swirls and you are forced to choose between starving to death or spending your last days on earth trying to get those swirls to release your food, tiny morsel by tiny morsel, one by one.  I'm learning to adjust because it doesn't seem to be going anywhere and my old dish is totally MIA but working for my kibble is not how I envisioned my life turning out.

On a much happier note, I found my twin, well... sorta.  As one of a litter of ten little black pups adopted out by our local humane society, I'm always hoping I might run into one of my siblings.  I know my only sister,  Cinder was adopted by a most wonderful mom and she is happy, healthy and well loved but I often wonder about those eight brothers of mine.  So Mom and I are out walking our regular trail and up ahead I see another little black pup headed our way.  I started getting excited and even Mom thought it just might be someone from my tribe, after all he had a little bit of white on his chest and front toes, JUST LIKE ME. 

As they got near Mom asked his dad if by chance he'd been adopted by the Humane Society of Cowlitz County and sure enough, he was, but nearly two years before I was even born!  His name is Wilson and although I was a little bit disappointed that he wasn't a relative of mine, I was super happy to have found my twin in a new friend.   Wilson and I just love running into each other while out walking and I tell you, it's like gazing into a mirror. I guess I'll just keep looking because those  boys have to be out there somewhere.

Loves and Licks,

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Stella, food is art and your beautiful purple bowl shows off your kibble in a divine way. You get to taste every single bite!