Monday, October 1, 2018

Fantastical Imaginations

One thing I've inherited from my mom is a most wonderful imagination.  Sometimes we use it for good and sometimes we just plain scare ourselves silly with it.  Like on today's walk at the grove...

We had the pleasure of being the first hoomans to arrive on the beach this morning.  No other footprints were embedded in the sand except for ours, such fun!  I noticed right off though that there wasn't nearly as much of a beach to run on as usual.  Mom tried explaining to me that the tide was "in".  In what?  This made no sense at all to me so she continued by describing how the moon, yes the moon, had this magical force that pulled the water towards it.  Yea, right... I'm not a naive little puppy any more and maybe I'd have fallen for this a year ago but not now.  I mean really, the water being pulled by the force of the moon.  She comes up with the craziest ideas ever.

The logs that are scattered along the beach were all moved around like they often are.  I can only surmise that some giants (not monsters, just kindly giants) come out at night to play and have a great time rearranging things, kind of a giants version of pick-up-sticks.  Today's layout gave us plenty of opportunities to climb over, under and around them as we made our way along the shore.  I was keeping a watchful eye out and first I thought I saw a lizard with a very long tail... but it turned out to just be some vegetation.  Next I spied a dorsal fin!  I'd just heard about a shark attack on the news so I was trying my best to stay as far away as possible.  Thankfully, once we got nearer, it turned out to just be a rather vicious looking stick.  Whew, that was a close call.

Sea lizard?
Shark Warning!

After welcoming Mr. Sun to a new day of a new month, we headed home.  Mom says October is the official start of pumpkin spice season and thanks to Trader Joe's, I have some holiday appropriate treats to celebrate with.  I'm telling you, these goodies are delicious!

Here's wishing each of you a most pumpkiney spicey day!  And by the way, if anyone can please explain where the beach went, I'm pretty sure I'm capable of handling the truth.

Loves & Licks,


Unknown said...

Stella, another stellar day in your life! I just dig you!

The Chronicles of Stella said...

Oh my goodness, thank you so very much!