Friday, October 5, 2018

Watch your language

You know... words can hurt.  Even little words, just two little letter words even.  I never like hearing the word "no" and I doubt if others do either. It's usually used to put an end to something fun, like barking, chewing or rolling in something deliciously awful.  I'm older and wiser now so I don't hear it quite as often but when I was just a little guy... oh my!

My feelings got hurt just the other day when I heard my mom tell a friend that she had been "as sick as a dog."  Excuse me, I've never been sick a day in my life. I don't think she said it to offend me but still.  It got me thinking about some other things I've heard about animals that I'm just not certain are at all truthful like~

As lame as a duck  Now,  I've met a good share of ducks on  our daily walks and yet, I've never ever met one that was lame in any way.  I suppose its possible but certainly not normal, right?

As weak as a kitten  Wait, wait, wait.  Is this referring to the same kittens that have sharp claws, little needle-like teeth and can jump and climb way higher than I can?  Yea, that's what I thought.  Sorry, I don't see a thing weak about them, they are ferocious.

As drunk as a skunk  I have never personally met a skunk and it sounds a bit judgy to me but I have seen them scurry through a field and well, okay, there might me some truth to this one.  They do appear to be rather evasive for one reason or another.

Mom says these types of phrases are called Similes, but I haven't confirmed that with outside sources just yet.  She says they can be used as an insult or as a compliment.  I much prefer compliments so I asked for a few examples and really liked these.

As busy as a bee  It's true, I've never seen a bee that didn't appear to be on a mission of some sort.  I have no idea exactly what they are up to but it doesn't appear to be evil so I'm okay with letting them be just as busy as they want to be... or is it bee?

As proud as a peacock  And why not, they are just beautiful.

As free as a bird  Oh yes, if only I could fly!

As happy as a lark  Now there's a goal we should all be aiming for.

So the moral of this story is, before you use other species in vain, consider the feelings of that funny duck, adorable kitten or even that skunk that might have had one too many, a little too often.

Love & Licks,


Unknown said...

Thanks for the early morning chuckles Stella!

The Chronicles of Stella said...

Thank you for taking the time to read my adventures!

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