Thursday, March 14, 2019

From the Vaults ~ The Chronicles of Stella

March 9, 2018

So today Mom said I learned an "Important Lesson"  It went down like this... No rain or snow or ice to contend with on our walk this morning, just sunshine and fog.  The fog is kinda fun because you don't get much notice of who'll you'll be meeting next along the trail.

I came upon the most wonderful treasure, a really cool, really big stick.  Much larger and heavier than any I've ever discovered before.  I was trying my best to figure out a way to carry it but it was more unwieldly than I'd expected.

Suddenly, out of the fogs mist appeared my good friend Angel.  I love Angel and Mom enjoys chatting with her mom and dad, giving Angel and I time to goof around and catch up on each others latest adventures.  Angel quickly saw my dilemma and picked up one end of the stick, keeping her head down low enough that I was able to hold the other end.  Together we carried that big stick down the trail together while the Parental Units proceeded to laugh and laugh at us.  Mom laughed so hard that the photo she took turned out all blurry.  The lesson I'm supposed to have learned is that good friends can help to ease our burdens.  I have no clue what a burden is but I'm guessing its just another word for "big stick".

Loves & Licks,

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