Friday, May 31, 2019

This girls got balls!

This weekend I'll be delivering #12!!!!    It all started about a year ago when I overheard a podcast my mom was listening to.  The subject being discussed was "spreading joy" and I really liked the thought of that.  I spent a couple of days thinking,  just how might a little black pup manage to make the world more joyful...  I thought of all the things that make me smile, that seemed like a good place to start.

Have I ever told you about my-very-favorite-balls-in- the- whole-wide-world?  Well, they are nothing short of fabulous!  First of all, they fit perfectly in my mouth and when I chew on them they make the  coolest squeaky sound.  They also have a hole that goes clear through them that allows the air to create a whistle when you throw them just right.  Best of all though, they GLOW!  Yup, seriously.  You can hold a flashlight up to them for a few seconds, place it next to a lamp or just sit it in the sun.  A glowing ball is extra special fun to play fetch with, especially in the dark. And so...

I decided I could make the world a little bit better by sharing my love of these amazing glow balls by surprising other dogs with a gift of one of their very own.  My mom helps me a little but it really is my project.  So far I've given eleven balls out and have the twelfth one ready to go.  Mom says that makes a dozen.  I just know that it makes me smile from ear to floppy ear.

If you know of a special pup that might enjoy one of my-very-favorite-balls-in-the-whole-wide-world, drop me a note and let me know and I'll add it to my list.  I get a small allowance each week if I've been really good so as you can imagine, it takes me a bit to save up for each order but it's a goal I believe in and enjoy.  Just one little ballsy black dog doing what she can to spread joy!

Loves & Licks,

1 comment:

Vicki said...

Once again, you amaze me. Expressing your life in such a beautiful and generous way!!!! Stella, you have been so lucky to have the same gift your Mom has, a way with words!!!!!!