Saturday, June 16, 2018

One Year Anniversary for The Chronicles of Stella

My goodness time goes by quickly.  As of today I've been sharing my adventures for one entire year!  Some of you are old friends and have been along with us, each step of the way.  Some of you are brand new friends and might be interested to see how we got started.  Here's our original post on Facebook, June 16, 2017.

my legs were short & i was only 10 weeks old

I did it, I did it, I did it!  I walked the entire length of Moms walk along the slough this morning... and it was AMAZING.  So many smells and sights and tastes along the way.  I even made a new friend.  He can't bark very well and in fact, it was pretty funny sounding,  but Mom says not to make fun of others differences.  Turns out he had a super power that was the coolest thing ever so next time I'm going to try to strike a deal with him.  I'll teach him how to bark properly if he'll teach me how to fly.

yes, its true, I hid behind Moms leg at first

Loves & Licks~

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