Saturday, June 16, 2018

Sprinkler Surprise

The very last thing I was expecting at 5:00 am today, was getting to play in some sprinklers. Just my lucky day I guess...  Mom took me to the school track to do some running since she’ll be busy doing human stuff most of the day. We’d never really been to the track this early in the morning before so we didn’t know, that's when the sprinkler system takes off and transforms the track into a water park!  It was great fun and I wish we could have done it for hours and hours and days and days.

Things I learned this morning~

1.  Unexpected things happen, learn to embrace them

2.  Mom's pretty good at throwing my ball straight at the sprinkler heads

3. If you pretend you didn't see where the ball went, Mom gets wet while retrieving it.

4.  Life is good when you're a little black dog

Love & Licks ~ Stella

1 comment:

Lisa said...

sounds like a good day to me!!